Broadcom MASTERS Applications due June 14

For the students who received Broadcom MASTERS nominations, CONGRATULATIONS! The applications are due June 14. You must complete the online application in order to officially enter the competition.

The applicants will be judged over the summer, and 300 finalists will be announced on September 6, 2017. From there, 30 finalists will win an all-expenses-paid trip to the Broadcom MASTERS competition in Washington, DC from October 20-25, 2017.

Just by entering, you are eligible to receive a t-shirt, bumper sticker, and other prizes!

The top 300 projects will receive a Broadcom MASTERS backpack and decal, one year of Wolfram Mathematica+ software, a leather-bound Invention Journal, a family subscription to Science News, an award ribbon, and a copy of a Howtoons graphic novel.

To find more information and apply for the competition, go to:

Congratulations and good luck!