Frequently Asked Questions

General LRSEF Questions

The Louisville Regional Science and Engineering Fair is an annual science and engineering fair held in Louisville, Kentucky. Students in grades 6-12 from 52 Kentucky counties may enter the fair.

In addition to winning trophies, cash and other awards, top Junior winners are nominated to enter the national Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge. Top Senior winners are promoted to compete in the International Science and Engineering Fair.

View the list of LRSEF’s affiliated organizations. [PDF]

To register and file your project with STEM Wizard, click on the Apply Now tab on our website or go to Your registration and all of your project information must be complete by the registration deadline.

Student Questions

If you enjoy solving problems and creating hands-on experiments, you can work independently and create a good science fair project. Your ability to put it all together with a research paper, a display board illustrating your work and rehearsing a short talk about your work will be very rewarding. These experiences will help you learn about the world around you in a different way than the typical homework assignment in science or mathematics. You can also meet new friends AND win prizes!

NO! You can enter LRSEF independently if your school does NOT hold a school science and engineering fair. Your teacher must register with LRSEF and then you register and follow all the instructions on the LRSEF STEM Wizard page. You may be from a public, private or home school, and must live in one of the LRSEF 52 counties.

If your school DOES host a science and engineering fair, you need to participate in that event to be selected by your teachers to come to LRSEF. In most cases you will register with your SCHOOL FAIR STEM Wizard page, and after your fair your teacher will promote you to LRSEF. 

In some cases, if your school has a small fair, you will register directly with LRSEF, ask your teacher to be sure.

Most well-thought-out projects take 6-8 weeks to allow enough time to plan the project, conduct experiments, collect data, chart progress and document results.

LRSEF has 21 project categories including Plant and Animal Sciences, Astronomy, Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science, medical and behavioral sciences. Your project must fit into one of the 21 categories. For more information, visit the Student Resources section of our website.

Ideas come from many places: radio, magazines, and newspapers. The main thing is to find a topic area that YOU care about. If you are interested, you will do a much better job. Do not just take a random idea that is not really yours because it is difficult to work hard on something you do not love thinking about. Additional resources are available in the Student Resources section.

Check out the websites we recommend in the Student Resources section and look at the sample project ideas. Talk about your idea with your friends and family. If you are still stuck, contact LRSEF with a specific question. We will reach out to you and help you get started. If you are tackling a difficult problem, we can put you in touch with a local mentor.

All science research has protocols to follow, and the forms we ask you to complete have been developed to reflect what would be required in a true research project. Forms are also necessary for your safety and protection.

Definitely! Contact us at with specific questions. We will respond and help guide you through the process. You may also reach out to adult neighbors or friends with an interest in STEM subjects to help you

You may create a team of up to three people, but your project design must require teamwork. When the judges come to interview your team, 16 percent of your score will be based on how well a team worked together and the need for partner(s). Do not choose to work with a friend just because you think it will be easier. Work with a friend because you share the same passions and you feel your project will do better with his or her partnership.

Still have questions about LRSEF?

Thank you for your interest in LRSEF. For additional information or questions, email us at

Send your detailed question and contact information, including a preferred phone number and time for one of our volunteers to contact you. Please note, LRSEF does not have a phone number, only email. 

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