This year, LRSEF is excited to be a part of Give Local Louisville, a 24-hour online giving day that supports the nonprofits in our community. Last year, through Give Local Louisville, the people in our community raised $3 million for the 362 nonprofits that participated.
This is a wonderful opportunity for donors to increase the impact of their gifts because, when an online donation is made through Give Local Louisville on September 15, the Community Foundation of Louisville and its partners will maximize the community’s generosity with Golden Tickets, prizes, and bonus dollars.
As a small nonprofit, we will get bonus dollars if we receive gifts from more than 25 people, and we will get additional bonus dollars if we receive gifts from more than 50 people.
Online giving will take place by credit card on our donation page from 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, September 15. We are listed as Louisville Regional Science Fair.
LRSEF strives to awaken, recognize and promote science and engineering talent in students throughout Kentucky. Funds raised through Give Local Louisville can make our efforts to support these students go further through awards and a successful fair.
Let’s see how much we can raise in 24 hours! Invite your family, friends, coworkers, and employers to donate on September 15 and help make Give Local Louisville a huge success for our community. Remember, you can give to as many nonprofits as you want!
For more information, visit or ourFacebook page.