Thank you for your outstanding generosity during the 2019 Give for Good Louisville! With your support, LRSEF surpassed 2018 in both number of donors and amount raised. Your gifts will support hundreds of students as they participate in LRSEF on March 7, 2020. Thank you!
We’re counting down the days to September 12, 2019 and Give For Good Louisville. We need your help to make our campaign a success, and we’ve included a couple of easy ways that you can support us.
Share and share alike. Online days of giving are successful because of our own networks. Help us grow our network by sharing our Give for Good Louisville fundraising page with your friends.
Be socially (media) active. Use your social media networks: post on Facebook, tweet about Give For Good Louisville, and share your love for #LRSEF!
Thank you in advance for your support!